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Center for Awakening

Serving the One Heart of Humanity Since 1997

December 2003 Project
John &
visiting Platanillo

Center for Awakening Adopt A Humanitarian Project 

Remote villages in Costa Rica have few employment opportunities, often no utilities, and most families do not have cars or modes of transportation to travel to affordable food and services.  Pay is $2-$3 an hour and with the influx of ex-pats cost of living is higher than the US. Families struggle to feed their children, schools often cannot afford books and adequate supplies, orphanages struggle to meet the needs of the children.


Center for Awakening travels to remote villages in Costa Rica, Philipines and Africa  to bring food, clothing and school supplies to orphanages, schools and villages, as well as community centers and youth outreach projects. We bring food and clothig, backpacks stuffed with supplies and gifts for the children as well as books and necessary supplies. Register below to donate or volunteer for our annual projects.

Villages We Will Help in 2020
San Juan Dios

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