A Sampling of Some Past Projects
The village of Lae in the Marshall Islands is a small village where the people need to plant more food trees such as breadfruit, pandanus, coconuts and taro, and they don’t have enough tools to do this. Also the island is out of fishing hooks, and other things needed for fishing. The Center for Awakening project this month is to purchase knives for gathering coconut sap, fishing hooks and lines, snorkels & masks for spear fishing so these beautiful people can thrive more abundantly. We invite you to join us with your support.
Center for Awakening was able to donate to Wynde Klauer’s granddaughter London to help build a school in Nicaragua. Here is some information about her adventure and a link. I hope you enjoy the news, thanks for all your support, blessings and love, Bonnie
Buffalo Blessings that help the Hopi Indians… suggested by Jan Magner
Make a Wish Foundation helping termally ill children’s wishes come true… suggested by Carla Davis
Utah Interfaith Power and Light reducing carbon footprint on our planet… suggested by Alan Neuman
Shift Before You Create offering non-violence programs in Utah school… suggested by Eric Ferguson
VOA homeless shelter… suggested by John Delaney, Eiya Jen, Robert Pooler, John Wansgaard
Safe and Sound youth homeless shelter…. suggested by David Andreason
Guide Dogs of Utah…. sugggested by Syndi Spencer
Odyssey House helping people with addictions… suggested by Deon Elangovan
Humane Society of Utah… suggested by Cori Maack
We will be donating to all of these causes… thank you all so much for your suggestions, we really appreciate you all, blessings and love.
India Project
Marshall Island Project
Educate Africa – Financial donation to help African children receive an education.
Toys for Tots – Marine core toy drive. Bring your toys to the Transformation Station during business hours or to the Unity Church service Sunday at 10:30 am. (1111 Brickyard Rd SLC UT)
Cozy Toes – Boots for the grandparents at the YWCA
Heat Assistance – Helping low-income families with heating bills
Food Bank – Bring food items to Unity Church service Sunday at 10:30 am.
Cozy Toes… In November we will be taking the “Grandparents” at the YWCA to purchase warm winter boots and socks.
Inviting India… Center for Awakening donated sevaral thousand dollars to impoversed villages in India
Raised money to help a woman in the community diagnosed with cancer with medical bills.
Food Bank donations weekly
No kill animal shelter
Road Home; Several truck loads of Christmas toys and clothes donated to the Road Home, homeless shelter
Library in Ethiopia Project
Buffalo Blessings
Smile Train
We will contribute all donations from January and February meditations to the Smile Train organization. Smile Train surgically repairs cleft pallet in children of foreign countries. All the doctors and medical assistants volunteer their time and expertise for these children, so the majority of the money donated to this charity goes to the children.
Children in these foreign countries who are born with cleft pallet and cannot get surgery are destined to a life of rejection, poverty, prostitution, exploitation and abuse. At this time Smile Train has a wealthy anonymous donor who will be matching all donations to Smile Train, so we thought this will be a great time to raise money for this worthy cause. Every $100 will help one child get surgery, therefore with the matching donor if we raised two hundred dollars together as a community these next couple months we can help alter the lives of four children.
If you have an idea for our next charitable project please contact Bonnie 801-694-0787. Remember we are a 501 C 3 organization so we can create our own projects for causes we are passionate about or people we know who are in need.
Costa Rica Retreat
As many of you know I have been exploring options for a spiritual retreat in Costa Rica, this has been in the planning for several years initially inspired by Jim Sorenson at a board meeting a few years ago.
God’s Littlest Angels
Our project to support the Gods Littlest Angels orphanage in Haiti was a great success! They were very grateful for our donation, and it will be put to great use. Thank you all for your generosity, love and support.
Women to Women Organization
We raised enough money last year to sponsor two women in the Congo for an entire year, through the Women to Women organization. We have received two letters from each woman. I will have the letters available to read on the kitchen table at the March meditation.
Seeing the Princess
Meditations are always free, however if anyone feels inspired to give a love offering the proceeds will go toward our “Seeing the Princess” project for a 6 year old girl who is quickly losing her eyesight and would like to go to Disneyland and see the princess while she can.
December Project
Also we will have a used book fundraiser. Please bring your unwanted used books to donate, they are greatly appreciated. I went through all my books this week and have several great books including Deepak Chopra, Eckart Tolle, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsh, Debbie Ford, Pema Chodran, and much more that will be for sale for a donation of 2 or more dollars. All proceeds will go towards the library in Ethiopia. Our next fundraiser is the YouTube below.
Peace Corps
$2000 raised for Peace Corps library in Ethiopia, thanks!
Costa Rica Project
We had a very successful visit to the San Juan Dios village of Costa Rica. This is a remote village with families of very little means. Our visit was timely as they were close to being completely out of food. There were tears of joy and appreciation for the food, clothing, school supplies and toys.
Because of all of your generous donations to the Costa Rica project and everyone’s help at the yard sale you were able to make a huge difference in this small Costa Rican village.
Thanks to Blake for being the photographer, he did a great job.
A man with Cerebral Palsy
Helped a single parent family from being evicted
Donated to schools and orphanages in India
Brought coats and sweatshirt’s to the homeless
Donated food to the food bank
Helped out three families for the holidays
Provided supplies for the YWCA
Toys for Tots – Marine core toy drive. Bring your toys to the Transformation Station during business hours or to the Unity Church service Sunday at 10:30 am. (1111 Brickyard Rd SLC UT)
Cozy Toes – Boots for the grandparents at the YWCA
Heat Assistance – Helping low-income families with heating bills.
Food Bank – Bring food items to Unity Church service Sunday at 10:30 am.
Homeless Youth Dinners
Ongoing… the first Friday of each month we will participate in feeding the homeless youth at the VOA in Salt Lake City. Bring food and help cook and serve the meals.
Center for Awakening Holiday Project
We will have a Giving Tree with the opportunity to help children from families in great need during the holiday season.
We have a couple families in need, if you know of a family in dire need please let us know!
Homeless Youth Dinners
First Friday of every month
888 S. 400 W.
Trip to Hopi Reservation
October 21 to 23 Thank you to all those who donated to our Buffalo Blessings Charitable Project last Month. We are organizing a group of volunteers who would like to join Buffalo Blessings in bringing supplies to the Reservation.
Buffalo Blessings
Center for Awakening will be fundraising money for Buffalo Blessings during the seven Grace On Fire events throughout June and July 2016. Buffalo Blessings is a 501 C 3 charitable organization that brings food, clothing and much needed supplies to Hopi and Navajo reservations, focusing on the elders.
Go Fund Me For Aleena
Center for Awakening donated $200 to this cause in July 2016
This beautiful little girl Aleena is my 8 year old. In this picture she is happy and healthy. Unfortunately, she is now very sick. She was recently diagnosed with a disease called Schjnlein Purpura which makes capillaries burst all over the skin, causing swelling and is extremely painful.
Buffalo Blessings
Choice Humanitarian
St. Patty’s Day Gift Certificate Fundraiser for Extreme Poverty
Sunday, March 20 from noon to 8pm… upstairs room
Corned Beef and Cabbage served compliments of Center for Awakening at 5pm
Gift Certificate fund raiser begins at 6pm… all are welcome all proceeds go to charity.
Jean Jensen Fundraiser on January 3rd 2016Thank you to all those who participated in the January 3rd event and fundraiser for Jean Jensen. Jean who has been teaching children for 18 years suffered a stroke in October and was hospitalized for three months is finally home and getting better and better at walking everyday. The $2,800 raised to help Jean will help her with her astounding medical bills and all the usual bills (mortgage, car payments etc. etc. etc.) while she has been unemployed. Your generous contributions has made a HUGE difference in Jean’s life, thank you all from the bottom of my heart
Projects Holiday ProjectWe will help five families and 20 children this holiday season. We will have a Giving Tree for our annual Halloween Party and hold a raffle. With the raffle we will provide a holiday dinner for each of the families. The Giving Tree will have all the children and we will invite everyone to sponsor a child by purchasing them a toy and outfit. Buffalo BlessingsWe will raise money for the amazing charitable organization Buffalo Blessings who help bring much needed food, clothing , medical supplies to the Hopi and Navajo Indian reservations. Extreme Poverty… Choice HumanitarianWe will have our Spring Event up at Crystal Hot Springs again this year and have a gift certificate raffle and corned beef and cabbage pot luck. We will raise money for Choice Humanitarian organization who helps extreme poverty world wide. VOA Homeless Youth Center Some 2015 Projects Brazil OrphanageWe travelled to Brazil and visited the orphanage to see what their needs were. We purchased four industrial fans for the orphanage as well as books and toys for every child. Homeless Teen ParentsWe donated ten brand new kangeroo baby carriers for any homeless mothers or fathers with very young babies. We hope this makes a difference for these homeless teens with babies.Buffalo BlessingsWe chose to help Buffalo Blessings again this year. This amazing organization brings much needed supplies to the Hopi and Navajo Indian reservations. Many people live like third world countries… on dirt floors with no running water or electricity. They have no access to healthy food and are forced to eat cheap low quality food.Womens ShelterOur holiday fundraiser for 2015 is for the local womens shelter.Center for Awakening 2015 Projects December 2015 Women’s Homeless ShelterUtah Food BankHomeless DinnerSponsored family for ChristmasJune 2015Thank you for all your support and votes! At our Center for Awakening board meeting we decided to donate the $1,000 to all the charities that were suggested. So Thank you Jan Magner for suggesting Buffalo Blessings that help the Hopi Indians, and Carla Davis for suggesting Make a Wish Foundation helping termally ill children’s wishes come true, and Alan Naumann for suggesting Utah Interfaith Power and Light reducing carbon footprint on our planet. Eric Ferguson for suggesting Shift Before You Create offering non-violence programs in Utah schools, John Delaney, Eiya Jen, Robert Pooler, John Wansgaard for suggesting VOA homeless shelter, David Andreason for suggesting Safe and Sound youth homeless shelter, Syndi Cynthia Spencer for suggesting Guide Dogs of Utah, Deon Elangovan for suggesting Odyssey House helping people with addictions, Cori Maack for suggesting the Humane Society of Utah. We will be donating to all of these causes… thank you all so much for your suggestions, we really appreciate you all, blessings and love to you.May 2015Women’s shelter in SLC… we will be bringing clothing for the womanCollege funding for low income students who need assistaMarch 1015- Teen Homeless Shelter Vio, SLC, UTDelivered baby items to the teen homeless shelter including baby carriers, toys, diapers, wipes, binkies, etc.January 2015- Orphanage in BrazilWe spent some time in Brazil helping an orphanage with things they needed like fans, notebooks, balls, and games. We also were able to get to know all the children there and the last day we presented each child with personal gifts… race cars, dinosours, a super hero and soccer balls for the boys and hair bows, talking dolls, barbies, and volleyballs for the girls. The children and staff were amazing and we shared great love.Center for Awakening 2014 ProjectsThe village of Lae in the Marshall Islands is a small village where the people need to plant more food trees such as breadfruit, pandanus, coconuts and taro, and they don’t have enough tools to do this. Also the island is out of fishing hooks, and other things needed for fishing. The Center for Awakening project this month is to purchase knives for gathering coconut sap, fishing hooks and lines, snorkels & masks for spear fishing so these beautiful people can thrive more abundantly. We invite you to join us with your support. www.centerforawakening.net
Lepar Colony in India
We are donating money to Phil and Diane go fund me so they can bring that money to a lepar colony in India where they will stay for some time and give freely of their hearts, love, time, energy and prayers.