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Environment & Indigenous

Without a healthy environment the health of the planet and all life on the planet is threatened. When we take care of our mother earth, we take care of all her inhabitants. We honor the planet and her heritage, including the people who have lived on this eath the longest, the native cultures that often get swept aside and struggle to thrive.


A few of the organizations we have supported over the years:


Buffalo Blessings

Adopt A Native American Elder

Kanosh Indians

Hopi Tribe

Standing Rock



Buffalo Blessings


We always love to join Buffalo Blessings in serving the Navajo and Hopi reservations. We help load the trucks the week before the project and travel to the reservation every fall to deliver much needed food, clothing and household items. We donate financially to the volunteer run organization as well as donate hundreds of dollars worth of shovels in honor of The Beloved, "Let's bring shovels"


Adopt A Native American Elder


We have enjoyed both donating financially to this organization as well as helping them pack up the boxes for the journey to the reservation.


Kanosh Indian Tribe


We brought clothing and household items to the tribe as well as purchased a hot water heater for their community center.



Center for Awakening

Partnering with One World Humanity

Serving the One Heart of Humanity Since 1997


We are a 100% Volunteer Run Federally Recognized 501 C 3 non-profit organization (EIN Tax Exempt # 87-0667743) serving the one heart of humanity since 1997.  We help multiple youth & poverty issues throughout the year on the local, national and international levels. 


John's Place

Youth Outreach Projects:                     

Serving Those in Our CommUnity in Need


Homeless Youth

Education & Schools

Youth & Orphanages

3rd World Communities


Holiday Hand-Up

​Indigenous Youth


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Center for Awakening

Midvale, Utah 84047

Text: 1-801-694-0787

E: AwakeningMiracles@Msn.Com



North America          

Central America       

South America, Brazil Orphanages 

Asia, Philippines 





1997 Center For Awakening

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